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Hacker Vaccine

HackerVaccine: Select it, Scan it, Secure it.

HackerVaccine is a fully-distributed, state-of-the-art network security enhancement enterprise dedicated to proactive digital defense. Once malicious individuals or software is inside your perimeter, it's too late, they've already won.  The only effective defense is a proactive offense. Find out where the weaknesses in your Internet systems are, and eliminate them. HackerVaccine is a world-wide network of security professionals. We dedicate ourselves to identifying weaknesses in web and Internet infrastructure using the most up-to-date detection tools and techniques to keep our clients one step ahead of digital thieves, vandals, spies, competitors, and anyone who should not have access to your systems. HackerVaccine removes all doubt as to whether your IT infrastructure is safe or not by attempting to break into it using the tools hackers use. If a breach is possible, we notify you of the exact nature of the weakness. Additionally, our world-wide network of experts can assist you in fixing the problems we find if you don't have the spare time or resources to do it yourself. No additional IT staff or resources are required.

Hacker Vaccine's Background

Hacker Vaccine's Interests & Activities

Internet and Web Security, ethical hacking, software design, and information technology.

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